If you would like to submit a product for review, please email us a picture and description of your product. We can't promise it will be posted, we can only promise to review it. We're looking for new, trendy items that are practical and affordable for the average mom. Eco friendly is always a plus! We do not take payment to endorse products, but you can buy ad space from us. Contact us for more information.
Welcome to My Lil' Monkey
or in my case... My Lil' Monkeys! My name is Loree and I'm the mother of twin girls. I started this blog to help new moms of singletons and multiples. We all want the best for our kids and the best recommendations are usually from other moms. No child is the same, no mother the same, so what I or my group of moms think is best for them may not be best for you, but we all need a reference to start from and who better than other moms. I hope to update the blog weekly with products and advice I think you will love and appreciate.
My style is trendy and modern (on a budget) and I tend to gravitate toward organic and sustainable items.
I hope you find this blog helpful and pass it on to other amazing moms!